Program selection

Regarding the instruction of operation procedures for SONY Cell Sorter and Cell Analyzer


Flow cytometry has become one of the essential experimental techniques in a variety of research fields in life science.

SONY’s SH800 Cell Sorter and SP6800 Cell Analyzer, which are installed in Room 505 in the Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics (hereafter IMEG) for common use, are very convenient flow cytometers with high functionality.

HIGO Practical Training (Department of Cell Differentiation) shows some examples of their use. Overview of these flow cytometers can also be found in the following websites of SONY.


Prof. Ogawa (Department of Cell Differentiation, IMEG) is ready to teach the operation procedures of SH800 and SP6800 to HIGO program students (associate students will not be included). If you want to use these flow cytometers and need to learn the operation procedures, please feel free to contact Prof. Ogawa (ext. 6591).

Please note that you are required either to take this individual instruction or to attend the regular training session provided by SONY for user registration of SH800 and SP6800.

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