
Seminar & Symposium

Governmental Seminar


Kumamoto University Bioethics Research Group is honored to announce the 12th Kumamoto University Bioethics Roundtable. The theme of the roundtable is “Bioethics in the 21st Century.”

The advancement of life science and medical technologies has required us to reconsider ‘human”, ‘medicine’, ‘well-being’, etc., fundamentally. It is high probability that genetic engineering and artificial intelligence will be involved in medicine deeper than ever before.

Taking cultural differences into account, we will discuss how bioethics should be from philosophical and ethical perspectives as well as practical ones.

※The language is English.


Date: 9:00~18:30, 1 Dec. (Sat) 2018 ,    9:00~18:00, 2 Dec. (Sun) 2018

Venue: Reception room Kusunoki Kaikan, North Area Kurokami Campus


PDF: 181201gs



【主催】 熊本大学生命倫理研究会

【共催】 熊本大学社会文化科学研究科,  熊本大学HIGOプログラム,  American University of Sovereign nations


Tel:096-342-2373 (代表世話役 髙橋隆雄)

E-mail:e-mail: ktashima※ (事務局 田島)
