
■HIGO Scholarship

Supports HIGO Students who are eligible
and would strive solely for study and research.


1. How much? (Can change in the future)

Master’s: 150,000yen/month (since April, 2018)
Doctoral: 150,000yen/month


2. For how many students?

Up to 12 students per academic year


3. Requirements

・Should join the Program and its education/research activities
・Should NOT receive any other grants/scholarships/fellowships
from any other sources

※Examples of NO Overlaps;
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Research Fellowship
for Young Scientists (DC: Doctoral Course Students), grants from
Japan Students Services Organization, MEXT (Japanese Government) Scholarship,
any kind of grants provided from homeland,
Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students.
・Should not work to get paid while receiving HIGO Scholarship
※HIGO Students without Scholarship can be employed as TA.





AY 2014(PDF 96KB)
AY 2013(PDF 96KB)
AY 2012(PDF 54KB)

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