
Seminar & Symposium/Admissions



講演者: 隅田 泰生(鹿児島大学大学院理工学研究科 化学生命・化学工学専攻 教授 / 株式会社スディックスバイオテック 代表取締役 )

演題: 糖鎖ナノバイオテクノロジーによる高感度・正確なウイルス検査診断法


日時: 2020年 10月8日(木)15:00-16:30 
場所: ZOOMによるオンライン講演
※Zoom ミーティングのID、パスワードはMoodleの ” HIGO企業・行政セミナー/ HIGO Business and Governmental Seminar(ZOOM)”でご確認ください。



Sugar chains located on cell surface or in the extra-cellar matrix, as a form of glycoprotein, glycolipid, proteoglycan, or glycosaminoglycan (GAG), are responsible for many biological functions and play crucial roles in cellular binding and signaling, which also includes the infection of microorganism or the metastasis of cancer. Therefore, sugar chains are being recognized as one of the most important research subjects in life science for the next generation of post-genome research.

For the research of sugar chains at the molecular level, structurally defined sugar chains are essential. However, it is not easy to obtain appropriate amount of structurally defined sugar chains from natural source or by chemical synthesis, preventing the progress of the research field. To solve the problem, we developed “Sugar Chip” and “Sugar-chain immobilized Gold-Nanoparticle (SGNP)”, in which structurally difined sugar chains are immobilized on the gold coated glass slide (chip) or on the gold nano-particle as a clustered form, which mimics nature (Figure).

Using these tools, we have developed highly sensitive and accurate diagnostic method for viruses. In this seminar, the past and on-going results including influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 will be discussed.


Figure. Sugar Chain immobilized chips (SCs) and gold nanoparticles (SGNPs)



■ 後日e-learningでの受講希望される方は下記までご連絡下さい。(学内者限定)


higo-program[atmark]jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp ([atmark]→@)



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