
Seminar & Symposium/Admissions



講演者: 柚木 克之(理化学研究所 生命医科学研究センター 統合細胞システム研究チーム チームリーダー)

演題: Trans-omics: integration of multiple omic data on the basis of reaction kinetics


日時: 2021年7月14日(水)12:00- 13:00

※ Zoom開催。URLはMoodleの「HIGO最先端セミナー」にてご確認ください。




Metabolic homeostasis is realized by global networks of molecular interactions across multiple ‘omic’ layers such as genome, transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome. We have proposed ‘trans-omics’, a methodology to reconstruct large-scale networks that span across the multiple omic layers on the basis of time-series omic data and reaction kinetics [1,2]. Here we show an application of trans-omics to reconstruction of a metabolic regulatory network that underlies acute insulin action in rat hepatoma FAO cells [3].  The network integrates phosphoprotome and metabolome data, and involves 13 protein kinases, 26 phosphorylated metabolic enzymes, and 35 allosteric effectors, resulting in quantitative changes in 44 metabolites. Mathematical modeling analysis predicted selective control of a subnetwork around phosphofructokinase by specific phosphorylation and allosteric regulation. Overall, we provide an unbiased method that reconstructs the trans-omic network from phosphoproteome and metabolome data, which will be applicable to other cellular responses.


Fig.1. A global landscape of the trans-omic network of acute insulin action in rat hepatoma FAO cells [3].



[1] Yugi et al., Curr. Opin. Syst. Biol. 15:109-120, 2019.

[2] Yugi et al., Trends. Biotechnol.. 34:276–290, 2016 (Cover Article).

[3] Yugi et al., Cell Rep. 8, 1171-1183, 2014.



担当分野: 微生物薬学分野 大槻(内線:4323)
