
Seminar & Symposium/Admissions


講演者: 河岡 慎平 (京都大学ウイルス・再生医科学研究所 臓器連関研究チーム 特定准教授 / 東北大学 加齢医学研究所 生体情報解析分野 准教授 )

日時: 2021年10月21日(木)12:00-13:00

※ Zoom開催。URLはMoodleの「HIGO最先端セミナー」にてご確認ください。


Coordinated circadian gene expression is critical for maintaining homeostasis. Indeed, expression rhythm of various genes is disrupted in diseases. For example, we recently reported that remote solid cancers cause circadian disruption in the liver. Yet, which altered rhythm is causal for diseases remains poorly investigated. This is largely due to the technical difficulty in manipulating rhythm of a specific gene in vivo. We tackle this problem using enhancer genetics. Enhancers are non-coding DNAs that determine spatiotemporal gene expression patterns. Deletion of an enhancer, when appropriately done, enables us to ablate a specific gene expression program in vivo. In this talk, utilizing enhancer genetics, I will demonstrate that disruption in a single oscillatory gene can be a cause of diseases. I hope that this talk will convince the audience regarding the strengths of enhancer genetics and the importance of circadian biology at the single rhythm level.

1. Nat Commun 10, 2603. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10525-1 2. Dis Model Mech 11. DOI: 10.1242/dmm.032383 3. Oncotarget 8, 34128-34140. DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.16699

担当分野:分子生理学分野 富澤(内線:5050)
