講演者: Po Chen (CEO & Founder of CancerFree Biotech, Taiwan)
演題: AI-Powered Entrepreneurship: Shaping the Future of Healthcare Innovation
日時: 2024年12月20日(金)13:15-14:45
開催場所:熊本大学 薬学部 宮本記念館コンベンションホール
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”HIGO企業・行政セミナー/ HIGO Business and Governmental Seminar(2024年度~)”
Po Chen is the founder and CEO of CancerFree Biotech, Taiwan. Prior to founding CancerFree Biotech, he worked in the United States specializing in IT, database management, and security. In this seminar, he will share insights on career development, the startup ecosystem, an overview of CancerFree Biotech, and the impact of current AI technologies on transforming the work processes.
ポスターPDF: 20241220bs
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