
Seminar & Symposium

Business Seminar


Speaker:    HASHIZUME Katsuhito  (Human Metabolome Technologies, Inc.)

Title: A new healthcare future to be realized by metabolomics



Date&Time: 4 Jul. (Thu.) 2024,  13:15-14:45

Venue:   Conference Room(1F), IMEG, Kumamoto University
* This seminar can also be attended through Zoom.
Zoom ID and password
“HIGO企業・行政セミナー/ HIGO Business and Governmental Seminar(2024年度~)” on Moodle.
*Remote Simultaneous Interpretation available

* This seminar is not available via e-learning. Real-time only attendance on the day.



Metabolomics is an omics approach that enables comprehensive analyses of metabolites. It has been used in various industries because metabolization occurs in all living organisms, including humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms. Human Metabolome Technologies has supported academia and private companies in conducting medical, food, cosmetic, and environmental energy research and development by providing metabolomics technologies, with the aim of contributing to solving social issues. Recently, to contribute to the health and well-being of people, we have focused particularly on the field of preventive healthcare in response to increasing public interest in extending peoples’ healthy life expectancy.


Poster PDF: 20240704bs


Email address for correspondance: higo-program[atmark]jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp ([atmark]→@)