Seminar & Symposium/Entrance Exam info


Business Seminar


Speaker:    WATANABE Keiko  (Kumamoto University)

Title:   Keys for thriving in the Global Society  ~Challenges and Opportunities~



Date&Time: 11 Jul. (Thu.) 2024,  15:00-16:30

Venue:  General Education Building 4F C401,  Kurokami North Campus, Kumamoto University
* This seminar can also be attended through Zoom.
Zoom ID and password
“HIGO企業・行政セミナー/ HIGO Business and Governmental Seminar(2024年度~)” on Moodle.
*Remote Simultaneous Interpretation available



The term “global society” has become a common phrase, and we now live in an age where cross-border interactions in politics, economy, and culture are part of our daily lives. What benefits does this global society offer us? And what must we do to adapt to it? As we seek answers to these questions, I will share my experiences from 40 years on the frontlines of global companies. And we will explore a global literacy, the resilience to achieve results by embracing new values, a global perspective that views the Earth as a single entity, and a mindset that challenges conventional thinking. Through my stories, I hope to convey these insights to all of you.



Poster PDF: 20240711bs


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