Seminar & Symposium/Entrance Exam info


Business Seminar


Speaker:    KOROKI Yosuke  (Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.)

Title: How to become an internationally competitive talent



Date&Time: 25 Jul. (Thu.) 2024,  15:00- 16:30

Venue:   Seminar room (1F), Industry Lab , Oe campus, Kumamoto University
* This seminar can also be attended through Zoom.
Zoom ID and password
“HIGO企業・行政セミナー/ HIGO Business and Governmental Seminar(2024年度~)” on Moodle.
*Remote Simultaneous Interpretation available



Although a person graduating from university and starting their first job is a noteworthy milestone, it is just the first step in their long life. On the basis of my experiences, I will talk about what knowledge and skills acquired during your school days will be useful, what opportunities for skill development are available for working adults, and how to earn an opportunity to work in international settings. Being exposed to international environments will broaden your worldview. I hope that this seminar will provide participants and me an opportunity to share ideas on what we can do now to have multiple options when we want to pursue different careers in the future.



Poster PDF: 20240725bs



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