
Seminar & Symposium/Admissions


講演者: Matthew Parker(UK government Head of Maritime Security)

演題:  Overcoming disability and discrimination to develop a career in the UK civil service          


日時: 2023年7月6日(木) 16:10-17:40

開催方式: Zoomでのオンライン講演

Zoom ミーティングのID、パスワードはMoodleの

” HIGO企業・行政セミナー/ HIGO Business and Governmental Seminar”でご確認ください。




I have been fortunate to have a career which has involved a range of different roles, experiences and enabled me to see many parts of the world

I come from a relatively lower-class background in the North East of England, I am also visually impaired. In the UK having a disability and coming from a deprived part of the UK often means it is difficult to achieve much.

However I am very stubborn and growing up I managed to get a place at Leeds University to study physics and astronomy. During my time at university I became passionate about politics and wanted to see the world.

In 2007 I decided to move to Japan to teach English, I don’t remember why I made this decision but it turned out to be the best choice I have made to date. Living in a different country and learning a different language taught me a lot about myself and helped me understand what I wanted to achieve.

Returning to the UK I struggled to find a good job, while my time in Japan was positive for my own development it did not reflect well on my CV. I stuck it out and was eventually successful at getting a job in the UK Civil Service.

I have now had a range of roles which have given me the opportunity to see different parts of the world, work with amazing people and complete work that has supported UK and international interests. In my talk I will go through my career in more detail, I will highlight some of the challenges I faced and how I have tackled them. I will also reflect on what I have learnt and what I might have done differently.

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