
Utilizing the outstanding achievements and know-how gained through the HIGO Program (evaluated S rank), the WISE Program, and other fellowships, The Graduate Schools of Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Sciences, Science and Technology, and Social and Cultural Sciences are collaborating to implement a new form of graduate education.
In addition to these varied doctoral education programs, there are courses available for all graduate students in both master’s and doctoral programs!
Please check the calendar for seminar and program selection related announcements.
Business  Governmental  Cutting-Edge  Authorized Cutting-Edge 
Program selection  Other
better cobeing

This program aims at fostering international doctoral innovators who possess specialized knowledge (strengthened research capabilities), comprehensive knowledge (the integration of humanities and sciences), and transferable skills. Through such interdisciplinary fusion and joint development, these innovators will be able to solve complex challenges in an unpredictable society.


This program aims at fostering outstanding and internationally competent doctoral talent with interdisciplinary skills who can promote and lead in the field of AI.


This program aims at fostering international doctoral talent capable of addressing global issues through interdisciplinary fusion and collaboration across various sectors, giving graduates a broad perspective and competency.


This program aims to produce highly skilled doctoral graduates who will be able to play important roles at universities, research institutes, enterprises, governmental agencies, or medical facilities in the health and life sciences field, and to help them realize their career path.


This program aims at training at advanced doctoral resources who are active in universities, research institutions, companies, etc. in the field of materials in a broad sense and connecting career paths.


These courses are designed to utilize the specialized knowledge students have accumulated so far along with one's own research perspective, with the aim of acquiring comprehensive knowledge (integration of humanities and sciences) and practical transferable skills.
・Advanced General Education Course: "Forefront of Research and Integration of Knowledge"
Collaboration between academia, industry, and government!
・Advanced General Education Course: " Doctoral Cooperative Education through Research Internships"
・University-wide courses of distinctive subjects in the HIGO Program
(Leadership Training Course, Business Seminars, Government Seminars)
HIGO program HP>


Through the distinctive courses offered by the HIGO Program, as well as the courses offered by the two doctoral programs (S-HIGO and Well-Being), students can identify the knowledge and skills (learning objectives) they will need in the future, as well as the generic skills that are required by society.